Monday, April 29, 2024

Monthly Archives: June, 2021

Cultural Quote #62: Love Is Free

When you show people love, you give them a good feeling they would otherwise have to work very hard to obtain. Walk In Integrity

Cultural Quote #61: Forgive Your Mother

If you are tempted to be angry with your mother, remember that she carried you for 9 months, changed your dirty diaper hundreds of...

Everything Is Connected

If I have a migraine headache, the functioning of my entire body is impaired. I can't think as well, talk as well, exercise as...

Christian Quote #50: A Light In Dark Places

If you are feeling discouraged by what you see around you, here’s a thought: Maybe God called you to be a light in dark...

Cultural Quote #60: Questioning The Mainstream

If you live long enough, you will realize that the culture you grew up in had at least one major issue wrong. After that,...

Cultural Quote #59: This Builds Character

Every good thing we do without being compensated for comes backs to us in the form of character and self-respect. Walk In Integrity

Christian Quote #49: Accountability Is Universal

We may fool others, but we can’t fool our own minds (unless we go crazy). And we can’t fool God under any circumstance. This...

Cultural Quote #58: Value Character

Don’t be the guy who won’t hold the door for anyone without expecting something in return. Walk In Integrity

Cultural Quote #57: Counterfeits of Real Life

Porn isn’t real sex. Cocaine isn’t real energy. Alcohol isn’t real courage. Gambling isn’t real investing. Video games aren’t real life. Caffeine isn’t real...

Cultural Quote #56: Entertaining Thoughts

The ability to entertain one thought and discard another is a human being’s greatest leverage in life. Walk In Integrity

Cultural Quote #55: Wisdom Is Proactive

Fools wait for a crisis or disaster to take action. Wise people are proactive. Walk In Integrity

Cultural Quote #54: Freedom To Say No

Freedom is having the power to do what you want but only choosing what benefits you. Walk In Integrity

Cultural Quote #53: People Who Are Suffering

Do not expect much from people who are suffering. Walk In Integrity

Cultural Quote #52: When People Act Out

When someone is acting out, we have to figure what moved them away from their emotional and spiritual center and what action can be...

Cultural Quote #51: Discipline Exposes The Truth

For many people, the greatest pleasure in life comes from food and sexual stimulation. When you take away either of these, many truths about...

NTP Text Update — New Articles Thursday! (6.3.21)

Quick note I wanted to send out letting you know a new article will be posted every Thursday for the foreseeable future, typically early...

Cultural Quote #50: Changing A Belief

Changing a belief often involves acknowledging that my private experience is not an accurate indicator of how the world is in general. Walk In Integrity

Christian Quote #48: Pray For Yourself

Sometimes the most effective prayer is the one you pray for yourself. Walk In Integrity

Cultural Quote #49: Eliminating Temptation

When scientists analyze people who appear to have tremendous self-control, it turns out those individuals aren’t all that different from those who are struggling....

Cultural Quote #48: Identity Breeds Intrinsic Motivation

The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity. It’s one thing to say I’m the type of...

NTP Text Message: Forgiveness (6.1.21)

The word of the day is forgiveness. I challenge you and me to forgive at least one person today. It’s good for our physical...

Proverbs 4:25-27 (Avoiding Evil)

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will...

Proverbs 28:6 (Integrity)

Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.Proverbs 28:6

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