Sunday, February 16, 2025

rebuilt recovery - search results

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5 Mistakes Men Make When Trying To Quit Porn (Rebuilt Recovery)

I'm not big on new year's resolutions. If I think of an area I need to improve on three days before January 1, then...

Hope For The Pornography Addict (7 Tips To Get Free From Your Habit Or Addiction)

The human brain is plastic, which means that it is capable of change. This is true of every stage of life, not just the...

Cultural Quote #295: Pornography Is No Longer Going To Be Accepted

I think we’re just on the dawn of a massive change in the world—the way that the world looks at this. The way that...

Getting Past The Shame Of Your PMO Addiction (Coach Frank Rich)

Oxford Languages defines shame as "a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior" (Google Definitions).

#NoToPorn: 50+ Reasons To Turn The Other Way

Saying #NoToPorn isn't something we resolve to do once and then forget about it. Sexual integrity is a daily choice that requires daily discipline....

How Long Does It Take To Reboot From Porn (Frank Rich)

Science says that our brains are plastic, which means they change and adapt in response to new input, for better or worse. This is...

7 Offensive Weapons To Defeat Lust

The phrase "defense wins championships" used to be one of the most common phrases uttered in American sports parlance. An explosion in offense in...

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