In previous cultures and societies, there were rites of initiation, rites of passage that were designed to instill someone with the tools, the experiences, and help them have a transition into adulthood where they could navigate their society effectively and become a productive member, become someone who could really thrive and function well. This is what we need now. We need something for the modern man, so that he can enter into this modern world full of vice, full of temptation, full of things that would tear him down, so that he can thrive, so that he can actually use all his potential of the modern world, rather than just get caught in the corners and the cracks of it. . .
When men go through this process, popularly called “reboot,” they experience a huge number of positive side effects that go beyond just the realm of sexual health. They become stronger, more disciplined, more focused. They reconnect with a vitality in life. They gain strength that then enables them to go on and do other, more positive things. And it seems like once a man is able to navigate the field of porn–be able to quit porn–he’s able to navigate these other vices, these other issues, and develop a lifestyle that can really help him show up as the man he wants to be.
Mark Queppet
For more, see Quitting Porn Is The Rite Of Passage For The Modern Man.