For more, see Fasting To Break Pornography Addiction And Control Lustful Behavior (5 Powerful Benefits). I’ve experimented with a number of disciplines over the years to become a better version of myself. One of them that’s stayed with me to this day is fasting. American culture is all about consumption. We have this idea that the more we consume in food and material the happier we will be. Food-scarcity rather than food-abundance was the norm throughout human history. The human body is adapted to go long periods of time without food and drink. The ancients, even those who lived in food-rich cultures, knew how powerful fasting was when undertaken on a voluntary basis and in moderation. Doctors like Hippocrates commonly prescribed fasting to treat a number of mental and physical conditions. I’m glad that approaches like intermittent fasting (where you do all your eating during a set time window each day) have gained popularity in recent years. More and more people in the modern world are realizing that fasting can be a powerful tool to change their lives.
Fasting For Sexual Integrity
I’ve fasted extensively over the years for a variety of reasons. One of the areas it’s helped me a lot in is sexual integrity. Fasting develops toughness—which is the ability to go without. The impulse to eat and the impulse to have sex are related. Learning to control one can help control the other. Also, the daily pleasure of food can disconnect people from their emotions. In my experience, fasting strengthens willpower; helps process painful emotions at the root of unwanted thoughts and behaviors; and physically detoxes the entire organism.
There’s dry fasting (no food and water), water fasting (no food), and intermittent fasting (eating and drinking during a fixed window every day). The Bible also describes a “Daniel fast” based on a vegetable diet. I’m not going to tell you if you should fast or what kind of fast you should do. A good rule of thumb with any new activity is start small. For example, instead of beginning a 3-day water fast with no prior experience, commit to skipping dinner instead and see what that experiences teaches you.
Remember, you don’t need to go that long or that intense to get benefits. You just need to be consistent.
Have you ever fasted for spiritual, physical, or emotional gain?
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