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HomeEditorialsA Profile of the Porn-Free Man or Woman

A Profile of the Porn-Free Man or Woman

Superman and superwoman have superpowers, much like people who live free from a pornography habit or addiction..
Getting–and staying–free from pornography is about becoming a particular kind of person.

The porn-free man or woman typically isn’t someone who has extraordinary willpower. The porn-free man or woman is someone who’s grateful outlook on life is such that they are drawn away by temptation less frequently than their peers. When tempted, the porn-free man or woman has beliefs, strategies, tools, and accountability in place to overcome.

Lifestyle Of The Porn-Free Man Or Woman

The porn-free man or woman, similarly, has a process in place for emotional management. The porn-free man or woman takes steps to heal from past traumas and to manage present emotional stressors. The porn-free man or woman understands that emotional health is vital to impulse control and an overall high quality of life.

The porn-free man or woman doesn’t consume music, movies, or media that promote human degradation and a lack of sexual integrity. On the other hand, the porn-free man or woman consumes music, movies, and media that uplift, encourage, and inspire. Content and messaging that facilitates personal growth brings them closer to achieving their goals.

Rumi on men, women, relationships, and emotional health..
Persian Philosopher Rumi (1207-1273)

Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death.

Rumi Jalalud-Din

The porn-free man or woman chooses their friends and company wisely. The porn-free man or woman realizes that healthy relationships are foundational to mental and physical health, and living free from various addictions, bad habits, and vices. The porn-free man or woman makes a priority of connecting with good people, and ignores, or avoids whenever possible, those who “degrade them back toward death and disease.”

The porn-free man or woman understands cause-and-effect, and can trace big real-world outcomes to small daily decisions over time. The porn-free man or woman is aware of how pornography promotes selfishness, self-centeredness, and isolation, and of the detrimental effects its consumption has on real-world relationships. The porn-free man or woman understands that pornography consumption fuels sex trafficking and incentivizes free adults to make decisions that harm their lives, even when those decisions are perfectly legal.

The porn-free man or woman has a life vision more compelling than watching profit- and attention-seeking actors on-screen engaged in sexual acts. The porn-free man or woman finds joy and stimulation in the little things. The porn-free man or woman practices gratitude on a regular basis, recognizing that much of the well-being people enjoy is due to the sacrifices and contributions of others, both historical and modern-day.

The porn-free man or woman values life and wants to live in a world where people strive to fulfill the golden rule, both publicly and anonymously.

An intellectually curious millennial passionate about seeing people make healthy, informed choices about the moral direction of their lives. When I’m not reading or writing, I enjoy hiking, web-making, learning foreign languages, and watching live sports. Alumnus of Georgetown University (B.S.) and The Ohio State University (M.A.).

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