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HomeEditorialsAm I Using Porn, Or Is Porn Using Me?

Am I Using Porn, Or Is Porn Using Me?

a man behind bars representing the slavery of uncontrolled desires..
Freedom of choice is a delusion, if it isn’t accompanied by freedom of spirit and mind.

We like to think we are in the driver’s seat of our lives. We make choices and we assume that’s all there is to it. The truth, however, is that our choices today impact our ability to make choices in the future. We all know someone who regularly makes choices that go against their well-being. That person is clearly not in the driver’s seat of their lives; they may have freedom of choice, but they do not have freedom of spirit and mind, which is far more important. Maybe that person is you today. I know it was me in the past.

The Process And Pain Of A Porn Habit Or Addiction

Many big things in life start small, and addiction is a case-in-point. No one wakes up one day thinking “Can’t wait to get addicted!” Addiction typically happens progressively, with each small compromise building upon the last. If you regularly use porn, aware of all its harms, then you are probably an addict, in some strict sense. It doesn’t matter if it’s every day, once a week, or once a month. To harm ourselves on a regular or semi-regular basis is a sign of a problem. If this describes you, the chances are that porn is using you as much as you are using porn. And if you do not take steps to control it, it may derail your life in ways you currently cannot imagine.

I’ve lived long enough to see porn addictions ruin relationships, including marriages and walks with God, destroy health, both mental and physical, and create a host of spiritual, emotional, and financial problems. I myself have suffered some of these consequences.

How much damage are we willing to suffer before we take massive action to get back in the driver’s seat of our lives?

It doesn’t matter if we’re 12, 22, or 42, the time is always right to get back on the straight and narrow. What begins as a simple resolution, in time, can give birth to a host of habits–like installing content filters, reading books and testimonies on sexual integrity, developing a strong relationship with God, growing in our prayer life, establishing accountability relationships, & fostering healthy connections with others–that maximize our probability for success.

I know you are reading this article for a reason. Think, the decision you make today concerning this issue may shape your future in a big way–and the future of the people connected to you whom you care about the most.

For more, see the complete archive of articles on integrity.

An intellectually curious millennial passionate about seeing people make healthy, informed choices about the moral direction of their lives. When I’m not reading or writing, I enjoy hiking, web-making, learning foreign languages, and watching live sports. Alumnus of Georgetown University (B.S.) and The Ohio State University (M.A.).


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