Answering a question by a brother in the group. And he asks, “What was the hardest part to giving up pornography?”
Actually, I’ll give you three things that were toughest, hardest things to giving up pornography. The first one was giving up counting. I was super attached to counting, and I felt that there was no way to measure my progress if I did not count.
The second thing was letting go of willpower. I believed that if I was to be a strong, masculine, self-reliant man that I had to use willpower to end my behavior with pornography, and if I couldn’t, I was some sort of loser.
And the final thing was given up on perfection. I really believed that if I ever slipped or relapsed once, I would have to start right from the beginning, and I was super, super attached to it. And that caused me a lot of pain. So, letting go of willpower, letting go of counting, and letting go of perfection were the three things.
J.K. Emezi
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