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The Number One Reason Guys Who Support Porn Use Are Full of Crap (Mark Queppet)

Exposing the credibility crisis of the pro-pornography crowd. (Image: Mark Queppet)

Today, I’ve transcribed an insightful clip by Mark Queppet, founder of Universal Man. You may remember Mark from Quitting Porn Is The Rite Of Passage For The Modern Man, one of my all-time favorite takes on the topic. Today, Mark calls out typical pro-pornography types for their lack of credibility. Mark notes that he has never met a pro-pornography or pro-masturbation person who quit the habit for an extended period of time. Mark likens them to a movie or restaurant critic who has never seen the movie or been to the restaurant yet goes around telling people how much they suck.

Mark asserts that withdrawal symptoms after quitting pornography or masturbation are evidence that the individual had a serious problem, not that their life would be permanently worse if they stopped. A heroin addict who quits heroin is likely to encounter difficult days, but if they stay the course their life will undoubtedly get better.

Finally, Mark admits that quitting pornography is not a “magic bullet that automatically makes your life awesome.” Quitting pornography might resolve some problems right away (sexual dysfunction, focus, confidence), while it enables people to address other ones and “start living a life you don’t want to escape from.”

Have you ever quit porn for a month? What about 6 months or a year? In comparison to how long many people have been using it, this is a relatively short period of time.

Check out the complete video and transcript below!

Mark Queppet, Founder of Universal Man

I’ve seen it all, and guess what? Everybody’s life gets better when they quit this stuff. Every single time. I’ve never seen an exception where someone fully quit this and their life got worse. I’ve never seen it one time.

Mark Queppet

Transcript of The Number One Reason Guys Who Support Porn Use Are Full of Crap

Alright, do you want to hear something crazy? I have never met a single person who was pro-porn or pro-masturbation that had EVER quit either porn or masturbation for an extended period of time.

Now think about that. Think about it, really. Really, like in any other circumstance – if someone said “Oh yeah, that movie sucks.” And I said, “Oh, did you watch it?” They’re like “No.” Would you take them seriously?

They’re like “Oh, that restaurant sucks.” “Woah, what happened. Did you eat there and they served you bad food — you didn’t like it?”  He’s like, “Well, I’ve never actually been there.” You would never take someone seriously like that.

My daughter does this to me. She’s three and a half. I’m like “Here, eat this food. You’ll love it.” She’s like “No.” I’m like “You’ve never even tried it.” She’s like “No, I know I don’t like it!” It’s like, “No, you don’t. You don’t actually know ‘cause you never actually tried it.”

And so this is why — it’s crazy — everybody feels like they have this authority to say, “Oh yeah, you got to masturbate, it’s totally normal. You got to use porn. Everybody uses porn. C’mon, we’re all going to use it, right?”  

So let me be really clear here. I was a porn addict. I was addicted to masturbation. I spent, you know, over a decade living that way – well over, almost like 15 years, living like that. And then I quit. And now I’ve been off of porn and masturbation for almost 9 years. And let me tell you, the difference is clear. It’s night and day. Your life is ten million times better without either of those activities.

And everybody who says “Oh no, that can’t be true” — they’ve never actually done it. They’ve never actually gone through the full withdrawal period [and] gotten through it to the other side. The reason why everyone thinks it sucks is because they try and stop for a few days. They get hit with horrible withdrawal symptoms. They don’t understand it’s withdrawal symptoms because they don’t understand they can be addicted to it in the first place. And then they just assume, “This is how you feel always? It’s clearly worse.”

It’s like someone who is a heroin addict trying to quit heroin for a few days. They’re going to feel absolutely horrible, and then they conclude “Well, clearly, my life would get worse if I quit heroin,” which is obviously not true. They just have to get through the adaptation period.

What’s more is that I’ve now worked with thousands of guys. Thousands of guys have gone through my programs. I’ve run basically a weekly, almost mentoring call, or worked with men’s groups to some extent for the past 8 years – often multiple times a week. I’ve had over 100 individual coaching clients. I’ve seen it all, and guess what? Everybody’s life gets better when they quit this stuff. Every single time. I’ve never seen an exception where someone fully quit this and their life got worse. I’ve never seen it one time.

Now don’t get me wrong, quitting porn is not some kind of magic bullet that automatically makes your life awesome. In some ways, it will instantly fix certain problems in your life. Things like sexual dysfunction, sometimes confidence issues, focus issues, you know, dopamine detox kind of stuff. That can all be very intense and direct.

But really what it does is it lets you live confidently, let’s you live free from having to feel like you have this part that’s hidden about you. It also clears up your brain, your neurobiology, so that you’re not blowing all this dopamine on stupid stuff that makes your life worse. It helps you start actually showing up to life because it doesn’t give you the option, an instant feel-good button, to hide from everything, so you have to actually start addressing things. But it puts you in this position to where you can really start living a life that you don’t want to escape from.

And that’s insane, alright? That’s an insanely valuable thing that most guys just don’t really know. Most guys don’t know even how to hold their own sexual charge. They just need to shoot it out into some tissues; otherwise, they’re like “Oh, I can’t handle it. My sexual charge is too much for me.” It’s like “Sack up.” Learn how to hold that energy, learn how to wield that energy, learn how to make love to life instead of just your hand.

Now obviously quitting porn is a lot easier said than done, which is why I created my Reforged Man course. It’s several iterations into my porn recovery content, and it’s the best one yet. It gets guys clean like nothing else out there, so if you want to get that, all you got to do is sign up for the self-mastery club. If you want to find out more about the self-mastery club, then just click the link.  

An intellectually curious millennial passionate about seeing people make healthy, informed choices about the moral direction of their lives. When I’m not reading or writing, I enjoy hiking, web-making, learning foreign languages, and watching live sports. Alumnus of Georgetown University (B.S.) and The Ohio State University (M.A.).

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